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Captaincon 2019 Recap

Breachstorm's first convention of the year was over and the team is still recovering from an amazing weekend.

Captaincon 2018 was Breachstorm's first public debut and drew a lot of attention at its premier outing. It was fun to return 1 year later with the finished product and show off how far the game has come!

A trip down memory lane - demoing at 2018 Captaincon with 3d printed prototype minis

We worked with the incredible team over at The Armoury Wargames & Hobbies, who generously gave us space to run demos and sell Breachstorm sets all weekend. As a result, we sold out most of our inventory before the weekend was over (don't worry, the online store will be restocked soon)!

Breachstorm's demo space in the Armoury Wargames & Hobbies booth

This year's Captaincon also saw the world's first Breachstorm Tactical Ops tournaments, which ran on both Friday and Sunday of the event - the event was so popular we had to request additional space from the con organizers to add additional players!

Players getting hyped for the first ever Tactical Ops event to kick off!

Huge congratulations are in order to Kevin Schroeder, who took first place in both events with his Zhren'thrar in the Friday tournament and Volucrid on Sunday!

Here are some of the highlights from Friday's climactic final match between Kevin and Sam Lewia's HWC:

Several matches from the Sunday event were recorded, and are now available on the Breachstorm YouTube channel!

Last, but certainly not least... the exciting announcement of the convention was of Breachstorm's second Kickstarter campaign... Breachstorm: Reloaded.

Breachstorm: Reloaded will introduce new units for the existing factions, new cross-faction Contractors for all factions to use, new game components, limited edition minis and a fully sculpted range for the Volucrid Host faction!

Stay tuned for more exciting news about what you can expect from the new campaign as week get closer to the launch date!

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